Hey guys, We're running into issues where our machine is randomly cutting things wrong. We have called tech support multiple times and they keep on blaming it on electromagnetic interference however we ran the last year just fine with no issues until the last couple weeks. Nothing in our work area has changed and when we're on hold with support the automated message says the electromagnetic interference is now all the sudden common? It's a bit difficult to describe our issues as they are never the same. Basically we can run the same job over and over and it always seems to incorrectly cut a letter or design at random. We cannot get it duplicate the problem in the same spot, it always fails randomly throughout the job. Ive attached 3 pictures showing the types of issues were running into. The first shows text, if you look at the two E's the one on the right is much wider towards the left even though in the file the two E's are identical. The second two pictures show it randomly cutting letters either outside of the letter or not far enough. And once again the files are perfect. The odd thing is we can design new files and run again and it will still screw up somewhere but almost never at the same spots as before. We have jobs piled up and need help as tech support has not been helpful at all....
EMI? maybe... I'm thinking it is mechanical. When was the last time you greased the rails? Do you get DATUM errors after running jobs? do you hear any "grinding" while running jobs? Now the normal questions... Which machine do you have? What material thickness and speed are you running?
We had a similar issue on a 4800 The problem was a belt (it was out of position) You should open the two covers on the gantry and also remove the accordion on the gantry. Run a large program and see if one belt goes out of position. If yes, you should replace it.
Omar, It was actually our belt was coming apart. Very odd to see this on a newer machine with very little use...