I am new to the torchmate family. Sorry if this has been answered before. I have a tm growth 4x4 and have a customer that wants a 3x8 sign. I have it designed but am having problems trying to get it broke in half. Also when I use the ginsu knife and create a male tool path it wants to cut around everything. I think I can get away with cutting the inside of the sign and rip it down to 3 feet wide. Thanks for the help.
The way I would break it would be to add a center guide, place a node at the top and bottom directly on center, break both nodes and then join the top nodes to the bottom nodes. Then you'll probably have to do a little clean up. Would that work for your situation?
the hatchet tool is only available in CAD 9. Common line I think is available in LITE. Sorry don't have LITE to verify.
So after you use the HATCHET tool you still have to make sure the object is all closed or you will have to create separate tool paths. Also make sure you add some index points in the file so you can line up both files after the first one cuts.