miscellaneous problems

Discussion in 'CNC Cutting' started by Panagiotis Stathopoylos, Jul 13, 2016.

  1. Panagiotis Stathopoylos

    Panagiotis Stathopoylos Member

    Jul 11, 2016
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    ok been running into many issues after 2 yrs of using torchmate x with blue backlit avhc

    first I'll start with the torch bobbing up and down too much with any auto settings besides manual of course
    I usually cut 10ga with 146-148 104-112 ipm 40-45amp tried many different heights but same affect also
    I have checked all set screws, make sure everything is tight in all areas
    consumables use to last me a day(8-10hrs) on same type of files
    now I am lucky to get 8hrs
    this affect sometimes throws off a much needed straight line cut
    I'd like to know what all can make this happen

    second I'd like to know if there is an easy way of squaring the table
    I have couple different methods but looking for other answers

    last goes with 2nd part
    while cutting certain files I get different corner to corner results for square I have my fixes but looking for something more concrete like maybe an offset etc

    might have more questions later but these are the ones irking me atm

    thx Pete
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2016
  2. Dnmeistr-LECS

    Dnmeistr-LECS Well-Known Member

    Dec 22, 2015
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    First welcome to the forum. Things to check on your AVHC, move the torch half way down its travel, grab the torch and try to move it up and down by hand to feel for how much play there is in the assembly. Typical amount of play is .045", any more than this and you can start to experience the sewing machine effect you are describing. To fix the excessive backlash you would need to either replace the bronze nut or the lead screw as this is an indication they are starting to wear out.

    For squaring of the gantry, what you describe is the best way, cut a square and see what diaganol corner is long and by how much, then you will know which side of the gantry needs to be adjusted, could be that you are a tooth off on that side or more. A quich down and dirty way to check is with the gantry around the middle of the table, run a tape measure from the side of the gantry to the end of the table, do the same from the opposite side (left side then right side) both measurements should be within a 1/32". You can also use the 3-4-5 Rule, this measures off the long side of the table, for example if you measured 6' across the gantry this would be twice that of 3, then you can measure 8' down the length of the table, twice that of 4 and your diaganol should then be 10' from those two points, making the adjustment to achieve that.
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  3. Panagiotis Stathopoylos

    Panagiotis Stathopoylos Member

    Jul 11, 2016
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    ok thank you
    torch travel is alittle much then
    raises another question of why is the lead screw and brass so fast on wearing out seems like I am changing them way too much

    and thx for squaring suggestions I was using cut a piece and adjust method will try other method next
  4. Dnmeistr-LECS

    Dnmeistr-LECS Well-Known Member

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Are you lubricatig the bronze nut and lead screw, as this can actually increase the wear, due to the plasma dust and other gunk sticking to the lead screw. I would suggest keeping them clean and only using a drop of two of 3 in 1 oil on the top of the bronze nut and running it up and down to lubricate it, doing this periodically as well as keeping the assembly clean. If you are saturating it with lubricant this actually does more harm than good.
  5. Panagiotis Stathopoylos

    Panagiotis Stathopoylos Member

    Jul 11, 2016
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    recently started to clean it with orange clean then blow the are with air
    I have been using 3 in 1 oil on the brass but not drops though
    thx for the tips

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