The cad patch is only needed for gm files if you have an Accumove controller, otherwise if using TM4 driver software not needed. With TM4 you...
Increase the pierce delay to pierce all the way through try higher values such as 1.5 or 2.0. Cutting that thick of material it is generally...
Rule of thumb is 1.5 x the material thickness to achieve best quality smallest hole you can cut using that material. When cutting 2x4's at 16 on...
You are not using the protext tool, if you were you would see a different set of icons at the top left when you are fitting text to path. What...
These would be custom fabricated brackets, doubt anyone would have off the shelf brackets you could purchase. Check with
Yes they would just purchase TM Cad, they can purchase the lite version if they dont want nesting or scan and trace.
If you can store the ramps under the trailer, down the length of the trailer. Using C channel as your guides to support the ramps under the...
Change the position where you set program zero, from there make sure the part is not touching the blue outline and is totally within the blue outline.
Store the ramps under the trailer, cleaner setup without the drag.
The computer that the Cad software is installed on you can locate the dongle # by going to the folder c:\TM Cad look for the file products.ini,...
Perform a basic weld that should complete the offset.
We would need to see your gm file you can attach it here. To bring a gm back into TM Cad rename the extension to .nc
I've seen this happen when you get a little double click happy, trying to open to many instances at once as well as Windows Update .
Reduce the pierce delay.
Likely you have different colors being used. Go to View > Pallets > Job Pallet if you have more than one color showing on the right side of your...
Then you have everything you need. Follow the guide it tells you exactly where all the wires go as well as setting the software Inputs and...
What I am saying is you already have the Input connector, you do have a cable plugged into Input you would have to if your table has limit...
The input cable that I linked to plugs into the Input connector on the back of your Signal Generator, if you have limit switches this is the...
Not unless you do the math, would roughly be the same as speed times time.
Version 1.3.2 available for download on our website is the latest version for your machine, link below....
Separate names with a comma.