Here is the alignment guide for the rails. Which falls in-line with setting the height of the gantry according to the alignment of the holes on...
The same way you check to see if anything else is loose, grab the motor assembly and move it back and forth to feel for any play in the assembly....
You haven't provided enough information for anyone to help you. I can tell you have an Accumove controller, what table do you have, what is the...
At the top of your Cad screen it should read TM Cad 9 EDU-M, if not send an email to with your dongle # and we can send you...
Try changing the corner to a small radius, this way the torch will not slow down as it does on a sharp corner, as it is the slowing down affect...
I believe the registration screen says call or contact Torchmate for unlock code, did you do so. If not send email to with...
Look at your input cable, your plasma wires are spliced into this cable using red and black on the Accumove input cable side, lower left of the 4...
You might be able to contact Flashcut for the answer, if not there I dont know anywhere else it might be listed at.
Pierce Delay is the time after an Ok to Move signal has been received there is an indicator on the screen under the Dashboard of when the Input...
If anyone new what a FC 1000 S was they might be able to help you, you will need to be more specific in what you are asking for, ie what is a FC...
Check the obvious first, does the torch contact the material you will know because either IHS will show Detected or Breakaway will Open, obviously...
Not overkill at all, electricity follows the path of least resistance; it is ohms law, if your body has more resistance than ground you wont get...
Not enough info, what version of cad do you have and do you have Protext. If using Protext you can dictate text orientation as well as above, on...
Yes the torch will move after piercing with Ok to Move off, it uses the pierce delay.
Draw a small circle such as 1/16, it will just pierce the center.
You can disable ok to move by going to Tool Library and turning off Ok to Move, you may need to increase your pierce delay by doing that.
Verify some settings on your Config, Logon as Admin go to Machine Settings then Inputs Tab, check the Debounce Times for Breakaway 1 and 2 are set...
Depends on what you want to do 2d routing such as pockets and hogging out material TM Cad does a nice job, 3d routing and you would need BobCad or...
See the video on node editing link below, best way to do this is to draw a box 7.5 wide and however tall you want it, convert to poly arc, double...
The Initial Height Sense (IHS) is an electrical circuit. The same with troubleshooting a light switch you would do the same with the IHS, you...
Separate names with a comma.