Wheelchair Ramp

Discussion in 'DIY Projects' started by EMDM, May 17, 2023.

  1. EMDM

    EMDM New Member

    Oct 18, 2022
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    This is a wheelchair ramp that I made recently, for a friend who uses a powered wheelchair.

    There were a few obstacles to workaround: 1. two air-condition tubes that ran directly under the threshold of the door that needed protection, 2. the floor was somewhat wavy, and 3. clearance for the door of the car that parks next to the ramp.

    I bolted a piece of 3 x 3 in. angle to the top edge of the ramp, to protect the AC lines. The angle bridged the gap between the ram and the wall, and also protected the AC lines.

    The ramp was made in three sections, using 1/4" steel plate for the rails, trusses, and leading section, and 1/8" plate for the top surfaces.

    To compensate for the wavy floor, there are two leveling legs on the top end of the ramp and floor contact is limited to the frame rails on the first section.

    upload_2023-5-17_23-16-52.jpeg 20220718_163540.jpg upload_2023-5-17_23-16-52.jpeg 20220718_163540.jpg 20220714_172013.jpg

    The parts were sealed using gray epoxy sealer from Eastwood, and finished with Rustoleum machine gray. I used Japan dryer to help speed up the cure time on the top coat.

    After the ramp was assembled and moved into place, I applied the non-skid material. This was purchased from McMaster-Carr, pn: 7781T17

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