I realize it cuts differently than steel due to compositon, is there a alloy in particular that produces better results? any metallurgists out there?
Stainless warps 50% more than mild steel under similar circumstances. Cut it as fast as you can. Granted, if you can't use nitrogen or other inert gases with your setup the cut will be left very rough with a dark granular substance known as "sugar" along the cut edge. This is easily removed from a proper cut with a 60 grit sanding pad on a 4.5" angle grinder. Just need to know where to grind/sand. Sand the face of the cut squarely, grinder at 90deg to material being sure to work your way smoothly along the material and the sugar will soon begin to peel off.
ok thanks, once I get going I will try both nitrogen and faster cut rates, I have argon and steel mix tanks currently , I will trade one in for nitrogen , as its less expensive to refill.
I have no clue of your setup bigjoe, mine was not compatible with inert gases. I would check recommendations, sure that Dnmeistr-LECS is on top of that aspect.