shop wants to add 2nd plasma table need input ty in advance

Discussion in 'CNC Cutting' started by Panagiotis Stathopoylos, Sep 4, 2019.

  1. Panagiotis Stathopoylos

    Panagiotis Stathopoylos Member

    Jul 11, 2016
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    we cut 10gauge (majority 99%but also 7ga and 1/4 inch)on torchmate x plasma with 1650 powermax
    I get to run around 90 to 120 ipmat 40amp
    what are the pros and cons I should be looking at for high def table vs regular plasma for 10gauge

    also should I try switching to 60amp on current table? will I still get same quality?

    looking for input/answers from experienced users
    speed increase?
    files that are already made compatible?
    expense of gases/consumables?
    etc i'm sure i'm missing many things
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2019

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