I am having issues with cut quality. It seems that some cuts come out with a bevel. Also, some cuts don't cut through the material. I mainly use 10-12ga. Anyone have any experience with this. Kinda frustrating when the machine is new this year. I follow the parameters for each size material and it seems like I have to lower feed rate and increase arc voltage to get a half way decent cut. I have changed consumables. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
Need more information, such as amperage and cut speed and what consumables you are using. It is advisable to drop cut speeds from the cut charts to get best quality cuts around 20% should be sufficient. It is also very important that you have clean dry air, if on east coast a good refrigerated air dryer is required due to humidity in air. Dryer beads are also a good option or the MotorGuard toilet paper style filters are also good. You also need to verify purging air pressure is within the required range, set you plasma to purge air and adjust the regulator on the front of the unit to around 85 psi, needs at least 110 psi coming into the back of the unit and should never drop below 100 psi.