16 g cut speeds ?

Discussion in 'CNC Cutting' started by ablecnc, Dec 11, 2016.

  1. ablecnc

    ablecnc Active Member

    Dec 11, 2016
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    4800 table with flex cut 80
    anyone have theres dialed in at this materials
    mild steel
    I have had mine about 1 week and just would like to skip the random part cutting for test pc
  2. Larry Cameron

    Larry Cameron Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2016
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    You might find each person has slightly different specs. It is a good idea to to try and get your machine up and running with 16ga using your machine and settings and just adjusting speed and amps till you have something nice. The great part about this process is that it teaches you to learn the ins and outs of the machine and how each setting you make will display in the cut quality.
    I only have a 2 x 4 but my settings may or may not work on your machine so here they are.
    16ga 140 ipm
    Powermax 45 running 30amp consumables at 27 amps, (you would need finecut consumables)
    .06"cut height
    .10" pierce height
    Volts between 89-95 depending on electrode wear.
    I cant get rid of the dross no matter what settings I use, but it chips off very easily or I dump in a mixture of sodium bilsulphate and water overnight and it wipes off with a rag :)

  3. LECS-Chad

    LECS-Chad Guest

    All depends on amperage... if you are cutting 40amp you will probably be upwards of 140ish +

    Run a line speed test and verify to the cut charts provided with the plasma.

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