what would have caused that to happen?
Okay all fixed, had to do a system restore to an earlier date and all fixed...... Dont know!! But it works!!
This box
The first sound is disconnecting the signal generator and the second is connecting
Red box signal generator getting error code 18003 cannot connect. Heres what I know: All the lights work as should, cycles all green and then usb...
I know how to get rid of them but why now is it showing up every time I open the cad? It never did. Also why is the control d changing? What's...
okay its all back again, also when I control D it now goes to 5:00 where as before it went to 2:00. The dam origin lines are back and multiple...
Never mind I just uninstalled and re installed!!!! LOL That will fix it
All of a sudden the origin lines are showing up on my cad. If I hit reset origin they go away. Any ideas how to turn it off completely? Also it...
Okay so with those settings it now works but resets every time I close out the program?
[ATTACH]Do you need a height controller for the pierce count to generate the signal to count the pierces? or does it just work off the signal...
Memorial for my English Bulldog I lost [ATTACH]
Ya I do have Cadlite, when you do those commands then hit search now, it should pull up all the fonts on your computer, then click install now....
If I am doing online and male which I do often, I create the online first then create the male then export so the online cuts first.
Download any true type font you want www.dafont.com is what I use then go to File tab, then install, then install fonts
Be sure all your objects are on the same layer. Highlight everything then go to a bottom box with the layer colors and right click then left click...
I plan on doing this. I'm just curious what this does exactly do for you? I have not seen that outlined to specifically anywhere. Just wondering....
I have been running my 2x2 for months now without this. Im assuming I should add it??
Yes, its actually black the iphone pic made it look brown lol
Separate names with a comma.