I use to hear a clunk when I datumed my machine after VMD loaded now I hear a slight click, I can load files and all , but have no or unable to...
node edit?
where is that located
talked to tech support, I still get it the error that is , but not often. and now I can get back to where the problem occurred, and restart. did...
what size wire? loosen the rolls up a little on the machine end, it takes some tweaking to get right
wow thanks , I just tried it for the first time like you said. works like a champ easy who knew
cool I will be in touch, thanks., merry xmas to all
can this be explained , overridden ?
yes I went to reno as well. was really good , chad is the 'man' . believe me just keep at it, something new to learn around every click of...
yes thanks, all is well. tried a restart. no luck . it' a layer issue or maybe open idk
what would be the reasons one cannot get a cad to goto cam, keep getting ,no objects to cut...
yes I have spoke with him before. super nice guy and he knows his stuff
how does one do that
I need to flip a part so it will fit in my cut area , when I mirror it the part goes way off left , not within cutting area. tried a few things...
Thanks , may consider a small cheap laptop then. And another dongle. Dongles are??$$$
Same kinda ? , I have a new tablet and would like to download the cad program so I can practice on my lunch break. Can I transfer files to home...
show us some pics anyways
Yes it is time consuming , guess I should take notes , hopefully there is a way to make it. Easier to identify previous Gm files fonts
Was cutting intricate piece almost done then crash, probably a little too slow for alum, anyway I tried to reposition torch and hit run from...
I had a direct short in one of the cables going to a stepper motor , it smoked a board inside the acc #2. Replaced cable. Works fine
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