I have a Torchmate X table with an Accumove 3 controller and a Flexcut 125 power source. After running several jobs earlier in the day without any troubles, the Z axis just stopped moving. If you toggle it with the onscreen buttons, it shows it as moving but in reality, it's not physically moving at all. I have restarted the VMD controller, done a factory reset, reconfigured the VMD software, and disassembled the controller to check for blown fuses or other issues. I also checked the limit switch in the z axis assembly and it moves freely and there isn't any abnormal indicator lights.
Well just to update this thread to potentially help someone in the future that may have this same problem, this is what we found. After removing the controller from the cabinet and removing the cover, we powered the controller and found out the Digital Stepper Drive for Z axis no longer powered up. We ordered a new drive and replaced it and all is working properly again.