No Arc - FlexCut80

Discussion in 'CNC Cutting' started by Mad_Brad, Jul 22, 2021.

  1. Mad_Brad

    Mad_Brad New Member

    Apr 3, 2021
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    Need help please.

    I have a torchmate 5x10 table Accumove 3. Flexcut 80

    The plasma cutter does not fire at all.

    The AVHC lowers to the surface of the plate, then it rises to set the pierce height and the air comes on like it is going to fire but then just sits there and never fires. I have changed to new consumables, doubled checked air supply (85 psi).
    I do get two lights on the plasma cutter itself. The first light that comes on is the OUTPUT red LED light and few seconds later the yellow PIP (parts in place) LED comes on. I have replaced everything with brand new consumable parts. ??

    If anyone has any suggestions I would surely appreciate it.

    Thank you in advance.

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  2. Daniel Thrash

    Daniel Thrash New Member

    Jun 12, 2020
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    How did you resolve this, im having same issues now.

    JEL DESIGNER Well-Known Member

    Apr 28, 2017
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    Did you check to see if you are set to Dry Run on the VMD? Have you checked all your grounds? Are you settings correct? There could be a number of things going on. When we have issues we start with the basics.
  4. LECS-Chad

    LECS-Chad Guest

    Validate you are using the appropriate consumables by checking the part numbers.

    There are a few pins on the torch body, PIP, switch. Validate that it is there.

    If by toggling that switch and still getting the same error, then there is an issue with the torch body itself.

    The issue is this switch is not depressing/toggling when replacing the retaining cap.
  5. Jdavin

    Jdavin New Member

    Sep 27, 2022
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    Same issue. I have changed all consumables and restarted the machine and I still have the same problem.
  6. jlasater

    jlasater New Member

    Sep 11, 2024
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    If you're running the LC105M torch, it's probably the two pins others have mentioned. I'm having this issue, and it would appear that the previous owner really cinched down the "retaining cap", the threaded sleeve that goes over the cutting tip and electrode, shoving those two pins in so they randomly don't make contact. Unfortunately Lincoln's answer in my case is to replace the entire torch, to the tune of $1200. It was a poor design, and supposedly the LC100M torch is an improvement. I'm looking at replacing the pins with parts from McMaster-Carr or just bypassing the PiP feature. It doesn't work well anyway...the FC80 will happily turn off the PiP light even if you leave the electrode and nozzle out of the torch head but screw the retaining cap back on.
  7. jlasater

    jlasater New Member

    Sep 11, 2024
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    As a mid September, I disassembled the plastic body on the torch and had a look at the pins. I was able to gently push them out from the backside using the attached wires. After trying to flush some cleaner through them, I had the idea to touch a soldering iron to the side of one of the contact tubes. The pin started to spring out. All I can guess is there was "gunk" inside, maybe from whatever chemicals the OP had been using for coolant. I then flushed some WD-40 into the pin and started gently working it back and forth. Eventually, doing the same thing to the other pin, both of them freed up and work fine to this day. The PiP function has been working fine, but if I know I'm not going to use the table for a while, I unscrew the retaining cap so the pins pop out and relax.

    So...if you remove the retaining cap and the pins don't stick out 1/8" or so, they are stuck and causing your problems.

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