Hello. Hoping somebody can help. Tired of drilling holes and looking into a OBI punch press. Looks like it takes about 40 tons to punch 4 holes 1/2" through 1/4" plate. Do hyd. press ironworkers and OBI require the same ton calculator?
We have a Piranha P-110. This unit does more than punch. This unit is a 110 Ton machine, it has the capabilities to punch, shear, notch, shear angles, shear channel, shear round bar and has a 12" simple brake press attachment.It has a lever that can be adjusted to the thickness of material you are working with. You could to the company websites and see what the capabilities are for the machines you are interested in. I know the Piranha website lists the Ironworker on it. We work with 10 gauge up to 1" thick material with this unit. I hope this helps.