Using torchmate 3 vs 3.0.19 on TM 2X4. I was doing some cutting and I overestimated the size of my metal piece. obviously torch went off the edge and shut off. Every since then when I load a dxf file it changes the x and y axis position by 0.0295. Any thoughts? For example when I use torchmate cad the origin Y axis is at 0. when I load the dxf into torchmate 3 the origin is -0.0295 in the Y axis and it seems to do it when I have a male toolpath but not when I cut online so I assume it is the kerf. Is that correct? thanks
Try checking that the origin settings on the import screen are set to X:0 and Y:0, its possible its the kerf compensation but odd that it would offset like that...
thanks for the reply. I did check as you suggested and it is 0,0. I have had the torchmate many years and never noticed that in the gcode when I do a male toolpath but maybe I just missed it. Any other thoughts
By the sounds of that distance seems to be a kerf correction but coming in as a DXF you are assigning the 0,0 coordinates of that file. If you generate G-code straight out of the CAD then you would see that movement. So with that said I would check the IMPORT options coming into the TM3 software.
So I went to the tool library in my TM CAD and the d1 number for the plasma is exactly twice the number I am off so this is kerf compensation. I also can't change d1 so it is what it is. It is weird that I have never noticed this offset in the gcode before but I think it is ok.
When importing the file into the TM3 software look at the Import Options Screen and make sure that Lower Left of Tool Path is selected.
I actually have program zero location X 0 Y0 set on my import screen. So it should be lower left of toolpath? I will open my directions again
No that is not how it works, you need to check the box Lower Left. Where X, Y of import uses the Origin location in the Cad software, which is not what you want unless you are using it as a reference point.