Table issue along X-axis

Discussion in 'CNC Cutting' started by WoodNThings, Dec 2, 2019.

  1. WoodNThings

    WoodNThings New Member

    Nov 25, 2019
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    Greetings! We are a new user here and have a Torchmate 2x2 table that was extended to a 2x4 (I think that is the correct terminology?). It's got a 501b signal generator and I'm not sure what if any Accumove we are talking about, but if you tell me where to look then I can.

    As to what is happening, we have been able to do several cuts of varying types using our setup over the past couple of months. Recently we have been having an issue where along certain portions of the table the movement of the cutter head will not move properly. This is both with the plasma off for a test run as well as on for a real run. For most of the run it works out fine, then when the cutter head gets to the certain spots the program will keep functioning as if everything is moving but the head doesn't move past that location for several seconds. Multiple runs will see the issue happen at the same approximate location on the table each time. There is no odd grinding/whirring/etc heard when this happens beyond the normal run noise we have been hearing.

    Any help or next steps for us to check out would be greatly appreciated!
  2. Dnmeistr-LECS

    Dnmeistr-LECS Well-Known Member

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Which ever axis is the long axis, check to make sure you can move the torch head full travel back and forth along the 48" span at High speed with no issues. If you are not able to then take a look at the motor assembly, if the motors are tucked inside the guide rails then you can remove the cover plate at end of rail on motor side. Here there is a belt and pulley system, make sure both the large and small pulleys are tight, two set screws on each pulley, do this for both left and right rails. With the gantry disconnected from the drive screws, see attached pic, grab the large pulley and try to pull it in and out to make sure there is no movement, if there is you will need to eliminate the slack by readjusting the large pulley. With the gantry jogged all the way to the hard stops at the 48" side, check the alignment using the pic attached, do this at both backside and frontside of the table. Once gantry is aligned and squared you can adjust the 4 side bearings on either rail, adjust them to where they have .008 clearance between the guide rail.

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