Pierce Delay/Ok to move problem

Discussion in 'CNC Cutting' started by DLE, Oct 28, 2019.

  1. DLE

    DLE Active Member

    Apr 21, 2016
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    A few months back I started having problems with the Ok to Move function of our machine. For example: If the pierce delay is set to 2 seconds, the torch will begin to move before the 2 seconds have elapsed. It wasn't a problem for materials > .25", but with .375 - .50" thick materials, its very problematic. I suspected an issue with the CPC cable, so I went ahead and replaced it - but did not solve the problem. The machine is a Torchmate x 5x10, accumove 3, and a hypertherm Pmax 105.
  2. Dnmeistr-LECS

    Dnmeistr-LECS Well-Known Member

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Pierce Delay is the time after an Ok to Move signal has been received there is an indicator on the screen under the Dashboard of when the Input has been received. Therefore are you getting the input, is Ok to Move Enabled can either be found under Tool Library or under Machine Settings once you Login as Admin. If Ok to Move is Disabled (off) then the machine movement is governed by the pierce delay, simple answer is extend the delay.
  3. DLE

    DLE Active Member

    Apr 21, 2016
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    I don't think that is the correct solution. It's too unpredictable. Why would the machine not be receiving the ok to move, or more so - what would cause the pierce delay to only wait 1 second, when it's set to 2 seconds? Do I possibly need to reload the software, or would it more likely be an issue with the hypertherm unit?

    On another note: I've tried Enabling "Ok to move", the torch lowers to the material, pierces and does not move. I'm not sure if that information will help diagnose the problem further.

  4. Dnmeistr-LECS

    Dnmeistr-LECS Well-Known Member

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Look at your input cable, your plasma wires are spliced into this cable using red and black on the Accumove input cable side, lower left of the 4 round s video connectors. Touch the red and black wires together on the input cable to see if the Ok to Move or Input 1 light turns on, should do the same thing when plasma pierces the plate. You can also use multimeter on your plasmas Ok to Move wires to see if you get continuity across the wires when the plasma pierces the plate.

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