News for anyone that has these parts . Dear Valued Customers, It is with sincere regret that I inform you that Kyndill Controller will permanently cease production, technical support and repair services of its Kyndill AVHC complete systems, Height Controllers and Breakaway Lifter Stations effective immediately. Effective immediately, we will also no longer provide technical support or repair services for any and all Torchmate Height Controllers, Lifter stations or products. Kyndill Controller’s website will remain available indefinitely for spare parts and consumables for customers who have purchased a Kyndill Controller or Breakaway lifter station within the past 3years. We will also be offering, through our website only, a LAST TIME BUY offering of our Complete Systems, Controllers and Breakaway lifter stations. Please visit our website; for more details and product availability. Warranties for Complete Systems, Height Controllers and Lifter stations purchased within the past year, from the date of this notice, will be honored. We would like to thank each and everyone of you for your past business and support and wish you all the best in your future endeavors. If you have any questions or concerns you can email them at
The Accumove controller and lifter station are by no means affected by this announcement. Torchmate still carries spare parts for our previous generation AVHC with lifter station (blue screen); replacement parts include, guide rails, bushings, flange bearings, ACME screw with bronze nut, spring coupler and Smart Motor.
Oh hang on, you have parts for the Blue Screen AVHC still ? as I had to source a part from Onexia, and they reprogrammed a chip for it, can you guys do this still? Larry Cameron RusticMetalArt