Dont know if I am missing something super simple but the height of the torch does not adjust during the cut. The voltage reading does seem to be registering during the cut. AVHC is on Auto and Sample voltage is on, but i can see through out the cut the height does not move and usually dives or changes enough to make the cuts bad. Torchmate growth series 2X4 Acumove 2 Thanks
Turn SAMPLE VOLTAGE OFF. Enter the last "current" voltage into the SET VOLTAGE under CUT PARAMETERS. Leave in AUTO. monitor the CURRENT VOLTAGE. Once you have the voltage correct, turn SAMPLE VOLTAGE back on.
I did the steps outlined to determine the voltage and imputed the value in the set voltage and then continued the run, but the entire cut the Z did not move at all except between cuts. I monitored its position on the VFD and it didn't move there either.
Your original post you state the height control does not move but then you go onto say it dives or changes cut height, which is it. Also on your last statement you mentioned VFD are you referring to the VMD software. Login as Admin go to Machine Settings and what is your Distance to Corner, this value should be .5 by default. You also have indicators on the right side of the screen for Lockout and AVHC, when the AVHC light is on this is when the Set Voltage should snap to the Current Voltage if in Auto and Sample is On. Cut a 2x2 square, in the middle of the long segments the AVHC light should be active, here you can either look at your Height Control Screen or watch the vertical white bar graph that represents the position of Z axis, when cutting you should see the bar graph float up and down slightly, or if looking at Height Control Screen with Trace set to On you should see little blips in line graph when cutting. If it is a solid flat line when AVHC light is on then height control is not adjusting.
Hi, Thanks for your response. Sorry for the confusion, I meant to say that the height does move manually, but not with the AVHC. You are also correct regarding the VMD software, I checked and the AVHC light does go on during the cut. I will check my settings later today, but I did a clean install of the software not too long ago, and that is not a setting I think I would have changed. How do I get to the Height control screen?
ABove where it displays your job on the screen, you have a couple tabs up there, one of them will be Height Control. Here you can watch what the Z axis is doing when running a job, make sure that the Trace button indicates On and you should see a red line.
I found the menu, but the torch does not move up or down when doing the cut. I also checked the corner value and did a factory reste on the settings and changed that value to .5, it was at .485, not sure if that made a difference.