Hi Everyone, Been having a hard time getting torchmate cad to properly generate a cutting profile for this gear I used the connect path and it did make the part solid, but still every time it generates these short segments instead of a continuous one. Any idea what a fix could be? Thanks!
When you bring a DXF in from a THIRD PARTY software, follow these steps. 1. Select ALL. 2. Go to ARRANGE/CONVERT TO/POLYARC 3. Select ALL. 4. Go to ARRANGE/CONNECT PATH. Give a .1 tolerance. 5. Go to VIEW/SHOW FILL. This should look correct. This will cover about 90% of DXFs imported into the TMCAD and fixing the "broken" line segments. If you still have issues then there is duplicates or multiple nodes. Time to start playing with NODE EDIT!
The gear part of this file would show up as a connected path, but further investigation in node edit it had overlapping broken lines. The old node edit tool came in handy as i fixed all the broken lines. Attached is the file ready for a cut path to be applied to it
Yes, I also noticed some of the broken lines, but copied over the sketch in so many ways trying to eliminate that. It functioned normally in other software. What do you mean by old node edit tool?