I just set up my 2x2 for milling and I was told that the torchmate CAD was able to do 2.5 dimension milling. Does anyone have any knowledge of this? I found this CAD patch on the web site and didn't know if this is what I needed. https://torchmate.com/uploads//support/pdfs/Installing the Torchmate CAD Patch.pdf
The cad patch is only needed for gm files if you have an Accumove controller, otherwise if using TM4 driver software not needed. With TM4 you will be exporting out of TM Cad as a dxf file, see TM4 Setup and Start Guide, link below, in it there is a section on Routing. If you have an Accumove controller then you would need a 3D Cad software such as BobCad to create gcode with z movements. https://torchmate.com/uploads/support/TM4 Driver Setup and Start Guide.pdf
Yes I’m milling dxf files now but I was told I can do multiple depths in a single file on TM CAD. Is this true?
Yea im just not seeing it. I see that if you uncheck the box ''combine layers'' it say you can make toolpaths for each layer but that option doesn't come up in my software. Could I have an old version?
You are looking in the wrong software, Cad software has nothing to do with routing other than tool pathing, The driver software is what you need to be looking at is the reason I mentioned the setup and start guide.
Well I've read through it 3 times and haven't seen anything. I you have a screen shot of the info by all means please post it. Im sure its right in front of me haha.
yea I don't have all those options in my software. in "configuration'' I don't have all those option shown in ''machine" in your pic. In ''Import" I don't have all the check boxes in the ''General" area. I only have ''optimize tool path'' and ''line numbers''. I also don't have the black background in my software. My user guide says version 3.0
All explained in the Setup and Start Guide TM3 version is here: https://torchmate.com/uploads/support/TM3 Driver Setup and Start Guide.pdf