So recently I've been having issues with welding object together. Specifically these split monogram letters. I tried them in DXF but when I try and weld a letter to the split letter it doesn't weld...and when I click on the object and move it the shape of the object is now missing from the Monogram letter. I converted the letters to PDF but it would still do the same thing...the interesting thing is some letters would take a weld and others would not. Any Ideas?
Likely you have different colors being used. Go to View > Pallets > Job Pallet if you have more than one color showing on the right side of your screen then the weld tools will not perform as expected. Select all then left and right click on the black color at bottom of screen to merge layers.
I usually highlight all my stuff and left click then right click on the color I use. Then right click left click. I dont remember which combination works so I do both and it usually fixes it
I’m having issues with my weld tools. The part I’m drawing won’t let me weld to it. The part disappears and the shape I’m trying to weld to it stays.
Found my problem. Had open contours, objects wizard fixed it. Haven’t tried cutting yet but welding is working again.