last night when I turned on my VMD to do some cutting, instead of my normal black control screen popping up this did. After I closed that the VMD was a gray screen with no controls or datum arrows. Any advice what to do? Will I need to reinstall the VMD software? Thanks. AJ
Is there an updated software version I should be using? I sent my accumove off to repair months back. I have the software version on thumbdrive from when I bought the table 3 years ago.
Version 1.3.2 available for download on our website is the latest version for your machine, link below.
I uninstalled the vmd and downloaded the new vmd. I installed on my computer, followed all the prompts. Now my computer is not linking to the accumove. When I click on the ping controller a window pops up for 1 second and goes's doing this when I clock on all check port, set ip address, check ip address
I too had the same error screen.. Uninstalled and reinstalled the software . It is running perfect now
I've seen this happen when you get a little double click happy, trying to open to many instances at once as well as Windows Update .
I'm having the same issue of not connecting and when selecting Ping Controller, Check IP, Etc. the window pops up briefly and goes away before being able to select anything. I had to reinstall windows and the VMD software due to Windows update failures. Any help is greatly appreciated. Planning on calling Torchmate Support first thing Monday but have work that needs to be done before then so if anyone has any ideas. Thanks in advance!
Any non connect issues can be addressed by opening Command Prompt in Windows (search for cmd) and typing ipconfig to see if it returns an IP address for your Ethernet LAN adapter what the IP/v4 address is, should display If so then you can try and ping the controller by typing in ping to see if you get a reply back. If you get a different IP address then you will need to change the IP address for the Ethernet adapter to, search for Change Adapter, right click on the adapter and select Properties then double click on TCP/IP v4 to set the ip. If no IP address shows up then check the fuses inside the Accumove box. Your Firewall can also block the connection, search for Firewall in Windows, click on Advanced Settings and set all 3 Domain, Public and Private to Off, check to see if you are able to connect if so, also make sure you are not using a 3rd party Firewall like McAffee. See guide attached.