Howdy! Im a welder/ everything else metal related. Im trying to improve my skills and would like to find engineering/technical data on structural steel. Generalized, nothing fancy... Standard items like angle, tubes, flat bar, sheet etc. Various size and thickness. Data like, the alloy contents, mechanical properties (load bearing etc) I cant find much online and ive asked the steel shops in my area. They tell me they dont carry data for their steel because it all comes from different manufacturers. I can partially understand that... But it seems the tensile strength (FOR EXAMPLE) of a 5 inch x 2 inch length of 1/8 standard angle from most factories should be very similar no?
Nobody? Its starting to feel like some sort of well kept secret or just nobody else knows? Could be something really obvious... Im great at missing the obvious. Metal has to have data... So theres no generalized data out there? I really have to track down each individual brand and request data from them for the same materials? Just seems odd lol
You are barking up the wrong tree, steel suppliers are not going to have that data. You need to be looking at Engineering standards, search ASTM Standards.
You can go to It is an organization that works with structural steel members. They have information on how to detail the members and what hole gages are on the different members. I believe they also have the standards that you are looking for.