Lifter is a little noisy coming down to touch the plate but quiet going up. That normal? I lubed it up Also why in the world is that little smart motor so expensive? saw it online for $1500! That's half the price of the entire avhc setup
Too much lube is a detriment has diminishing returns, keep it well cleaned and very lightly lubricated a couple drops of 3 in one oil on top of bronze nut is all you need. As well as wipe chromed guide rods down with silicone spray, spray on a rag and wipe the rods down.
I would go through it dissassemble and clean everything, clean the lifting block as you would a gun barrel, run pieces of rag down through the bore holes, clean guide rods with silicone spray, clean lead screw with wd40. Reassemble and lightly lubricate bronze nut/lead screw with 3 in 1 oil by using 2 or 3 drops.