Dnmeistr-LECS - In searching the forum history I saw where you posted "The bearings in the cassette are adjustable and there is a set screw that will pull the bearings tight, loosen the cassette bolts and pull the 1/4" rubber cover out of the adjusting hole and tighten the set screw found inside” My question is: On the Torchmate 2 & 3 are there 4 set screws at each bearing to tighten and does the cassette actually suppose to glide on the bearings to the linear slide rail? And where exactly are the set screws located? I am getting decent cuts on my Y axis but not the best. I have a slight wobble and it seems if I tighten up my cuts will be close to perfect. Thanks
TM2, 3 and X all use the same linear slide and cassette, there is only a single set screw on the cassette to take out the play, located on either the top or bottom of the cassette depending on which way it was mounted.