I am trying to make a simple 5 bolt drive plate. I use the circle shape tool I size the circle to .5 inches I got to array and set arc 360, number 5 on a 2.25 inch radius Then delete the middle circle Then create a new circle with 1 in radius and move to the center of bolt pattern The make another circle with a 4 inch radius and move over the center hole and bolt pattern so it's centered Then try to weld it all together and all I get left with is the outside circle. I also tried it all over again with new files and used other weld tools but get error message I can't weld them without errors occuring. If I try and create tool paths I get double cuts on all circles when I run simulation in torchmate 3. Any suggestions
Don't use the weld tool. Select all and make path on all the objects. Then hit show fill to see if it is what you were after. Then create tool path on the object. Hope it helps. Dave
Thanks for the reply but it still double cut when I did this. But have since found out if I simply make a path and don't do the create path I only get one path. Going to also what the stuff that was posted by Chad. Don