Need Help Dialing in Machine

Discussion in 'CNC Cutting' started by Kathalee Cole, Dec 13, 2018.

  1. Kathalee Cole

    Kathalee Cole Member

    Jul 23, 2018
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    New to this so we are trying to dial in our new Torchmate 4400 machine. We run a flexcut 80 machine and we are cutting 16 gauge and 11 gauge metal. I recently purchased a Precision tip to help with the small cuts. I tried the settings tonight from the book and had issues with it not wanting to cut all the way thru the metal. My feed rate when I turned in into a g-code was set at 100.

    AVHC settings are as follows:
    Sample Voltage-On
    IHS Mode-Optimal
    Cut Charts-Charts

    Cut Parameters are as follows
    Pierce Height-0.16
    Cut Height-0.30
    Pierce Delay-0.10
    Retract Height-1.00
    Arc Voltage-110.00

    Question is what should my settings be to get the best cut with the less dross and to cut thru the metal.
    How small of a design can you cut and how intricate of a cut can you make? I've attached sample Jpg of cuts that we are working on. Any and all help is greatly appreciated.

    Attached Files:

  2. Dnmeistr-LECS

    Dnmeistr-LECS Well-Known Member

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Your cut height should be .08 per book specs, you don't mention what the percent override is set to, but regardless if you are having difficulties with cutting through the material indicates the cut speed is too fast, experiment with different cut speeds till you find what works best for you. As for fine of detail figure your kerf is anywhere between .045 and .06 if you can draw it with a sharpie then you should be able to cut it out with plasma without blowing out the detail. Again trial and error is going to be your friend here, you'll know soon enough how small an object can be before you start to lose detail.
    Arkansas Metal Art likes this.

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