Had to reload my torchmate master copy because of a new dongle that I ordered, when I choose output to cut it out I don't have gm as an option. Just .fgc. I need that master copy to work, cause the student copy doesn't have the output option. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Mark
The VMD doesn’t us fgc files it uses a .gm file. To fix this we will need to go into the CAD software and then under machine, machining defaults and you want to change the selected driver from Torchmate dual tool driver to Accumove imperial and then you want to click apply and close. Once that is complete you will want to create your design apply a tool path select the whole design and then go to machine, output and then click on the cut now button at the top. After you save that file you will go to VMD and load the job through the select job button on the main VMD page on the left hand side.