So I bought a new to me Torchmate 2 system with 501A usb signal generator and red screen avhc. Torchmate 3 driver software and Torchmate cad/can 7.1. I’m running a brand new hypertherm powermax 45xp with machine torch. Have 8 foot ground rod that the star ground is connected to. This is my setup, has not worked right since I started messing with it. The most consistent issue is that the torch doesn’t shut off between rapid moves. Also sometimes it won’t finish cuts or skip cuts all together. I sent this dxf to someone with a similar setup and it ran just fine for them. I took the torch lead out of the track think that it was causing interference but it did not make a difference. Anybody have an idea as to why I’m having these issues?
The first video the reason why it is raising up like that is because you have the switch set to Auto, you cannot be in No Cut and Auto at the same time, would need to be set to Manual. It looks to be working fine when set to no cut, torch is moving up and down like it should, the next video of it cutting the torch does not raise up between pierces. It would seem that the off signal is getting interrupted by interference, make sure no other cable crosses over the machine torch cable especially the height control motor cable, keep these separated. Also try the cut in Manual Mode and see if you get better results. With a new 45XP double check you ran the arc voltage wires to the inside of the Hypertherm, cut in Manual Mode with the switch set to Read watch the arc voltage display, switch the cut to Auto and Set, adjust the voltage to what it was reading in Manual, then back to Read. This is how you would need to operate the red screen height control before cutting in Manual.
Is the ground bus bar actually bolted to the table BUT to bare steel or painted steel? I would also connect the earth cable properly to the plate that may help immensely. Clamping the wire like that is looking for trouble. I would also change your lead-in to a size at least as thick as your plate and try 90 degree lead in. Larry Cameron RusticMetalArt