My Second hand Torchmate AVHC Controller has a 1.15a version on the display starting up. My previous one, in for repairs has 99j. Do I/ should I just use normally or should I download to the motors this new info version or is it the same thing for the smart motor in the Avhc? Larry Cameron RusticMetalArt
This is the firmware that is pre-programmed on the controller. Pending on the year it was purchased will have different firmware versions. Since your 99j is in for repairs, maybe they will update it for you.
Hi Chad, but is there any advantage to this ? Do I not then need to download to the motors the new info or has this nothing to do with the motors? Larry Cameron
No. This is just showing the firmware that is loaded to the box. This will not effect performance of your lifter.
Thank you for the help and info Chad. I have some spare motors for the x and y axis as well but notice they are 494 oz/in and I think mine are Thanks Chad. I have a couple of new motors (used) that are 492 oz in and mine are 396 oz in. Is there an issue if I have to replace my ones with the bigger torque ones. It was from a 4x4 Torchmate.
Hmm... let me check with some engineering folk to verify what the motor cards are pumping out and if it will push those larger motors.
Alrighty... Because of the amperage and voltage at it coming out of the sig gen you will not gain anything by putting on the higher rated motors. So no gain to the torque because the drive cards are tuned (amps/volts) for the 390s.
Ok I understand but if one of my motors dies, can I use one of the higher rated motors without issue?