Working with a 5'x10' Torchmate 2 running Driver 3 (or 4? can't recall). I've been cutting for years with fine results but this is the first time I've wanted to do high quantity production runs of parts. The divot that forms after the turn from the lead in and then the ball of slag that forms when the interior female piece falls down and the torch dives is killing me on these parts. Making it not worth keeping them in house and going to a laser cutter. I'm fine with every other aspect of cut quality except for this. I've been all over the place with lead ins and outs and turning off the ahvc. I'm cutting 14 and 12 gauge so the inconsistency of the plate bounce makes leaving avhc off unreliable. And the female part that is falling out is so small that no different slat placement would catch it. I'd really like to keep these parts in house but the clean up of this one little spot is killing the deal. I'm all ears for suggestions. I could even slightly redesign the slot slightly if it would help in any way. Lead in or lead out suggestions? Lead in location? Standby for pictures...on my phone...
Don't mind the shaky corners on the pictured piece. I had a bushing wearing out when I first started the run. I just picked this one up off the floor for a picture. It still has the same divot/ball with a tight machine.
Doesn't seem to matter. Still get slag ball. I ended up placing it there because when in use, that spot of the part is covered up and out of sight.
There is the option to use the overburn function in Torchmate cad which may help with the divot. I think most set to about 1/16 or 1/8” to help smooth out the finished cut and flare off. Larry Cameron RusticMetalArt
As in lead out? I've played with that. Still get the torch dive. The torch dive when the part falls is what the problem is it seems. Every now and then I'll get one that will hang just right and seems to leave a slag ball or at least a much smaller one.
Yes... well no actually the name of it in Torchmate cad is “overlap” on the lead out tab. Have you tried that. Or also have you tried lead out at all? Larry Cameron RusticMetalArt