I am having problems with my 6 x 14 Table X with Flexcut 125 Machine,. I had a breakaway issue about a week ago. I contacted Tech Support. The Technician had me make some adjustments to the Breakaway Holder. It seems since I did that it is having more issues. The machine still works but sometimes the head will fall off when it catches something during the cut and it will keep cutting. I thought the machine was suppose to stop when the head lost contact. I want to be able to let the machine run without someone standing there watching it. I have been cutting 1/4" and 3/16" hr steel. I am at wits end trying to figure this out. I am able to keep the machine going with someone there but I should be able to let him work on some other stuff while the machine is working. When I contacted Tech support by phone I didn't get a call back till the next day. I had a machine down for a whole day. I understand Torchmate wants us to use this forum to get answers. When I go to look for information it seems to be on smaller machines than what I have. Any help with my issue would be appreciated.
Login as Admin, go to Machine Settings then Inputs Tab and check to see what Breakaway 1 is set to, should be Pause, High and 300, where Breakaway 2 can be set to User.
I changed that setting like you suggested. While I was looking at the Breakaway 2 setting that was set to Datumn Z and High. I didn't write down the debounce setting. Is that alright to be set that way?