Here is a project that 2 of my Senior students started building this Fall. All of this came from the idea of having a "Backyard smoker" and decided why not. It was their last project to build in the shop and wanted to go all out. Luckily we were able to use donated metal, fundraising, and a few sponsors to help make this thing come to life. They have worked their tails off learning new processes, positions, fabrication, and problem solving. Hope you all like these pictures, it has been amazing watching the process
Sorry, Completely forgot that I had this account. The students were able to construct the design on AutoCAD and made a 2D as well as a 3D model of it before starting the build. We were able to tour "Yoder Smokers" in Yoder,KS and had a few design concepts from them, but as far as measurements was something they came up with.