Hi. We have a Torchmate X table and seem to be having some problems. When we start a cut it seems to cut fine but eventually the plasma torch does not cut all the way through and just marks the top of the material. This is thicker material but I think it also does it with thinner material. Smaller pieces seem to cut fine but when you get on the bigger pieces eventually it starts not cutting all the way through. But if I stop and pause the cut, wait for a minute, then let it go again it seems to work fine. I have noticed the input gas light comes on the Flexcut 80 box at times and the torch will not fire. Turning the flexcut box off and on seems to get it working again. I think it is either the Flexcut 80 or the actual torch body. All the consumables have been replaced and the problem still happens. It seems like I am going through electrodes quickly just trying to cut anything with it. I am trying to track down whether it is a piece on the plasma torch or the Flexcut 80 as it just had repairs done on it. The repair depot did not actually test the Flexcut before they returned it to us as they did not have the torch for it.
Starting with the obvious first, sounds like the plasma is loosing pressure. How big of an air tank do you have and what is the cfm of the compressor at 90 psi, verify how much pressure at the back of the plasma cutter. Needs to be at least 110 psi and not dip below 100, on the front of the plasma you can turn the Amps know all the way to the left. This will purge air out of the torch, the gauge on the front should be able to maintain between 70 and 80 psi, adjust if needed.
Thank you! I will go try it out. It is a shared shop compressor. It should have enough but I will go check. Will update.
Hi. We put a pressure gauge on the back of the Flexcut. At first it was higher at about 140. The gauge on the front of the Flexcut was about 120. We purged and adjusted the front gauge to 80 from about 95. The back gauge seems to be around 115 now. The Flexcut seems to maintain it's 70 to 80 range in the green area on the front gauge. Have not tried it yet.
I went back and the pressure gauge on the back said 100. When I turned on the machine without doing anything it rose to 140. The front gauge did move a bit to the top of the green range. When I shut off the Flexcut it slowly went back down on the back gauge to 110 or so. Is that normal? The shop compressor says 100 psi. It is a big tank. No one is using it while I am testing it today.
Your readings seem to be all over the board. The shop compressor determines how much pressure the gauge on the back of the plasma cutter will see, if shop pressure is 100 how are you getting 140 on the gauge at back of plasma. Doesn't seem possible, it can only be equal or less not higher. Also if your shop pressure is only 100 psi, this would be the reason why the plasma is cutting poorly the more time wears on when cutting, as I am sure the pressure is dropping. Your shop air compressor should be able to maintain 120 psi and not drop below 110. Plasma requires a compressor that can maintain 12 cfm at 90 spi.
Hi. Thanks for the input. Yeah...the pressure seems weird here. I am told that even though the compressor says 100 it is higher. It really does show 140 on the gauge on the back of the Flexcut. Might need a new gauge to test with. My boss says he is sure it is a compressor problem. He is looking into it. I am going to replace the hose on the back of the Flexcut with a bigger and shorter hose. Thanks for the help!
I thought I would go take a look at the compressor. What I noticed was it seems to come on at around 100 psi. It raises the pressure to 145 then stops. I noticed some people in the back using the air tools and it took it down to 110 in 30 seconds or less. So a drastic fall in pressure in very little time. This was just observing them in the shop and watching the gauge on the back of the Flexcut I put on.
Just a quick question. Is it possible for the torch to cause problems such as cutting a line for a while and then not cutting through? It seems that if you wait for a bit that it starts cutting again. Yes this does still sound like a pressure problem but I want to rule out the torch.
K. Yes we have a air pressure problem from what I can see. Changing the hoses to the Flexcut 80 today. Larger size. We did manage to have the compressor come on sooner to bring the tank back up to full pressure and it makes a big difference. Big difference when only the plasma table is running compared to when other people are using air tools. at the same time. The consumables seem to be wearing out quicker. Could the air pressure be causing something like this? I am not an expert at running a plasma table.
Air pressure has a little bit to do with your consumable wear but it is DIRTY air that will kill your consumables. Make sure you have a dryer or filter stack and your consumables will love you for it along with your wallet.
Thanks for the info. We do have a dryer on the main line. Will keep testing things out. Is it possible for the plasma torch itself to be the problem with not cutting all the way through the steel at times? Just want to rule it out. Even though we have adjusted the pressure at times the torch seems to lack the power to go through the steel at times. You can be cutting a straight line and then it will just be on the surface and you will have to stop it. It is puzzling to go from cutting a part perfectly to suddenly not having it being able to keep cutting through the material. I have replaced all the consumables over and over but it still happens. I am just eliminating things one by one.
Can someone tell me if this is the proper part # for the Head (180 Degree) for the LC105M plasma torch which comes with the Torchmate X table? HEAD (180 DEGREE) 9SS28176-5 Thanks, Paul