Hello all I'm brand new to all of this we recently purchased and older TM 5x10 table along with software computer etc. I'm attempting my first big project which is a rear bumper... I have been able to cut parts individually but I'm attempting to put them all in one file to cut out of a single sheet. I arranged most of the parts manually but just learned of the nesting feature and wanted to see if I could save material by using a smaller sheet (instead of 4x4 perhaps 3x4... it really doesn't matter I'm just trying to see what the nesting" feature will do.. however every time I click "apply" it crashes the program.. all the drawings are imported male toolpath .dxf files. Am I doing something wrong? Thanks in advance!
The problem is the Cad software does not like to nest open objects a tool path is a open object. You will want to nest the originals, making a path on each individual part, then select all and create the male tool path.
Make sure that if you are nesting parts that have internal holes, that you group the holes with the part, or include them in a path