Just started today. I close the cad program and the next time I open it it opens with a file I drew earlier today. I have deleted the file from the computer and emptied the trash. Still does it What's going on?
You saved your project as UNTITLED.CDL. so evey time you open TMCAD it defaults to UNTITLED.CDL. To fix, SELECT ALL (ctrl + A) and press delete. Then go to FILE/EXIT When it asks to SAVE press YES and will over write the UNTITLED.CDL file and resolve your issue.
Tried that a few times. Won't let me save without naming it. I named it untitled and saved after deleting. deleted all files named untitled. still comes up. Thanks, Mike
You may have Automatic Load enabled, under Options Automatic Save. That was it > I had changed my save settings to save more often, and must have inadvertently checked auto load. Problem fixed. Thanks for the help. Mike