77 trans am flares

Discussion in 'DIY Projects' started by Schroeder, Jan 4, 2017.

  1. Schroeder

    Schroeder Member

    Jan 4, 2017
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    I will be making large 2-3" fender flares on my 77 TA like the spectre camaro (Google it and youll get lots of pics). This really complicates using the factory style lower wheel flares though. I have done a lot of interest searching and have not found anyone who has done what I want to do yet. People flare and stretch camaros all the time, but u don't have to use any flares like on the trans ams.
    I want the extreme flare I put on the quarter to be able to blend into the oem style lower flare. The oem lower flare must also be outboard as far out as the edge of the quarter as well- I think this is a must for everything to look right.
    I think if I stretched the whole quarter I would be able to use a stock, oem flare wirh little to know modificiation since the mounting surface would be moving outward.

    The attached pics show the issues I'm going to run into.








    I have some pics above showing me holding an OEM flare a few inches away from the car. This is where the flare will be approximately after the addition of the large wheel flare like on the spectre camaro. The gap between the flare and the car shows basically how much needs added to the flares.

    I think what I'm going to have to end up doing is either adding material to the edges of the flares that mate up to the quarter panels, or make an entire flare from metal, carbon fiber, or something else. Sheet metal would probably be best. The pictures of the Grey flare shows how I plan to make it from 3 pieces. The only metal working tools I plan on needing r a small throated shrinker and an english wheel to get the curvature in the pics and to smooth out the shrink marks. I'll use the shrinker to get the radii made to transition into each piece. The notes in the picture speak volumes.

    Is my plan sound, or is there a better, faster way to make these things? The ones I make from metal will have the additional material to make out further from the quarter.

    I have been unable to find any good (good as in exactly what I want to do) examples of what I want. I don't think it's been done very much. I have talked with multiple people working on cars like me and maintaining the factory style bolt on flares with a custom quarter flare is tough and problematic. I wanna try it. Plenty of camaros have done it but they don't have the lower flares. Here is an awesome camaro that has flared quarters like I want.

    This trans am, although it doesn't have the type of flares I want, demonstrates the problem I anticipate with blending a quarter flare into the factory style bolt on unit.

    Here is another trans am that has Made wider flares. I think these are bolt on though. I think this look works, but it is not what I'm after.

    While I'm at it, here is link to the specter camaro that I mentioned in the opening of this thread. These flares are massive and extreme. I like them a lot, but may not go this extreme.
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2017
  2. Schroeder

    Schroeder Member

    Jan 4, 2017
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    Anyone have any help on this?

    Is this posted in the right spot for the forum?
  3. Arkansas Metal Art

    Arkansas Metal Art Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2016
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    First post I've seen on body mods. Not sure there's many body guys here. You might check out @ballmetalfab on Instagram. He's a local guy that does a lot of custom work like this.
  4. Schroeder

    Schroeder Member

    Jan 4, 2017
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    Gonna have to start an instagram account it looks like! I really appreciate your help. Thank you.
  5. Arkansas Metal Art

    Arkansas Metal Art Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2016
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    Last edited: Jan 6, 2017
  6. Schroeder

    Schroeder Member

    Jan 4, 2017
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    I'm on later g with the same user name. Thanks Thanks a lot fir the reference though!
  7. Cneee

    Cneee Member

    Jan 7, 2018
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    How's it going? Were you able to finish working on the fender flares of the TA?

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