Using 16 gauge steel on everything. Not a fan so far to flimsy. I will Start with some 14 gauge stuff soon. Raiders was done cuting 3 different pieces. One was grinded down to a mirror finish and I tossed it into the laser to engrave all the little logos and sayings. Going to mount some chains from the shield to the name plate to complete the look. Other is just a Xmass tree cut out & grinded shinny with a little bow tied at top. last is snowmobile art, I was practicing trying to blue metal with a torch. Didn't come out way i wanted but its an art form i hope to learn. The trees are cut out with the laser and just frosted to make them look like snow.
looks great, we just got our machine fired up and are waiting on some water additive. Keep up the good work!
14 gauge is the way to go... looks good and keep it up. Looks like you need to work on those bridges in your letters. Good rule is 3x times the thickness of the kerf diameter 40-45amp @ .058 x 3 = .174"
Ditto on the 14g. It seems to be just the right thickness for art. Not to flimsy yet not to heavy to safely hang. I have started using .100 bridges with fine cut consumables. With regular shielded consumables I wouldn’t go below .125. All at 45a