I was looking around for some resources to work with a couple people on our team were. I came across this website: WWW.6061.COM It is a paid website. I thought what the heck. I think it was 40 bucks to gain access to the knowledge posted on the website. My thoughts are this... it is one heck of a deal if only one of our team members learns something. I wish I had time to sit out there and teach. So... maybe one of them can learn from it. Disclaimer... I do not know who owns the website and I am not being paid to promote it. I just thought it was a good resource for those wanting to learn. Thank Dan
Aaron from 6061 is really good. He posts a lot on weldingweb. You can learn a lot from him. $40 well spent but hey if your guys can't do it, send it my way
Oh no... no mistake here... we have plenty of people here who can throw down with aluminum. We have some of the younger guys here wanting to learn. We leave it open for people to use our equipment after hours to learn more and refine their skill set. We stay very busy here and don't always have the time to teach. So when I find good resources I don't mind sharing with the people who work for us