Hello all from Alaska! We recently purchased a VERY lightly used 4400 with a Hypertherm 85, plate marker etc. We got it at an auction for a recently folded business. The equipment came with all the paperwork, computers and everything was labeled (not all correctly) but we got the torch to move. We are in the process of getting the plasma wired and had some technical questions on making sure we were getting everything square and true before we started cutting. I made a call into tech support to inquire about training and some general how to questions and the lady informed me they do not support equipment that wasn't bought through them. I find this a bit disturbing with the base cost and technical nature of the equipment and programming. To me its like buying a 1 year old car and the dealership refusing to work on it. I have found this forum extremely helpful and the Torchmate videos as well so were not dead in the water. I was wondering if anyone had any insight in this or and suggestions of other venues of training etc... we could always offer a fishing trip to someone that wanted an Alaskan vacation! -thanks again for the input
You make a great example buying a used car and the dealer wont work on it for free, keyword being free. There are a ton of resources online at your disposal, as well as videos on the CNC controller and Cad software on our website under Support, as well as this Fab forum. My suggestion would be to download the manual and read it, as it also tells you how to operate the table, there is also a very large question mark in the upper right of the screen of the VMD software that explains the features of the VMD software. See Accumove 2 wiring guide attached, as well as guide on configuring your computer, both guides are available on our website. Most people would rather jump to ask a question rather than looking for the answer, if I have a problem with my car I would rather fix it myself rather than take it to the dealer. We have a wealth of knowledge on our website and are working to make it easier to find answers.
I appreciate the response and the files, i don't appreciate making assumptions and generalizations about our intent. We are just trying to make sure we are setting up a very expensive piece of machinery right the first time. The "New" policy to not give any support (paid for or not) and that is what i find alarming. We are in the unique situation of getting a box of equipment, wires and computers with no training or instructions. But we'll keep plugging away. thanks again
No assumptions made or implied, we do support used tables, for the 4400 and 4800 tables we have the most extensive free on-line resources as well as the ability to send on-site techs to your location for a service fee.