Hey guys, i am trying to fine tune a flag design of mine and am trying to sequence my tool paths so the online cuts will go before the male tool paths. I have tried sequencing by list and grouping all the online cuts in the exact order together and moving them to the top of the list but when i export the file to the VMD, the machine just peirces the metal and stays still i can see the tool pathing on the screen via the white dotted lines so i know that they are in fact there. Just have no idea what the hell is going on. Any ideas?
Update: I was able to get the online tool pathing to be cut first by highlighting all the lines in the file and creating the online tool path. Then from there i highlighted the rest of the design that calls for a male tool path. It began cutting but now the machine will just not do anything. You press run job and the torch head does not do anything. When you press stop, the function does not go through and the stop button stays illuminated red. After hitting it 4 to 5 times and waiting several more seconds the program will then stop. Where am i going wrong now ?
sequencing is as follows. Once you generate all of your tool paths. go to VIEW/SHOW TOOL PATHS ONLY select all (ctrl + a) Go to LAYOUT/SEQUENCE/START SEQUENCE BY LIST In the dialog press TOOL PATHS ONLY Then move the ONLINE cuts to first and have the rest of the design last. Press OK MACHINE/OUTPUT. As far as the machine VMD portion has nothing to do with the file.
Hi folks, I was told a while back....4-5 years ago, to make the online toolpath cut first before the male toolpath. You select your male toolpath and then click "Arrange order" then click "to front" Works every time a coconut, have been using it ever since on a daily basis Larry Cameron RusticMetalArt
Someone shared this with me and it works great also. Edit/select by/open object (this selects all the lines in the object that will be online toolpaths) Make path Machine/toolpath/online Edit/inverse select (this selects everything else) Make path Machine/toolpath/male Now you can sequence by list, show toolpaths only, and put everything in order. I like to cut each object completely before moving on to the next object.
Wow Jason, so glad that you posted this..what a time saver...I have been just clicking objects one at a time for sequencing
NP. Selecting all open objects one at a time can be an exercise in frustration. I believe dnmeister may have originally posted this, so original credit to him.