Was cutting intricate piece almost done then crash, probably a little too slow for alum, anyway I tried to reposition torch and hit run from here . it did not , Frustrated I hit reset. Mistake #2. Now I am just mad at my brain ! Can someone repeat the steps nescessary to restart after a torch crash.
When you press Reset, this restarts the gcode from the beginning, you are already at the location you left off from, so you can right click on the white cross-hairs and click Run From Here to begin where you left off. If for some reason you lost position, and cannot locate your original Program Zero, then you can get it close and use the Run From Here to a corner of a part that you already cut and see how close the torch is to this position when it moves over, measure how far you are off. Go back to Program Zero and use the Increment feature to move the torch the distance you were of, reset your Program Zero and Run From Here again to check again if you are back in sinc with the coordinates and Run From Here start up where you left off.
Sometimes if the part I am cutting does not touch the program zero, I will run the torch down and fire it so that I have a reference point if the table looses position or something