Howdy peeps, I took a few months off and went back to the mother land (German!) had a great time and made a couple signs for some family. They came out pretty good with some paint. Came back and tried to nest a full 48"x48" on my growth 4x4. I noticed the gantry won't run the full length. It'll get to about 47 inches and the stop. You can hit the Y drive a few times and it will eventually get there. Then it acts like the two Y drive motors aren't moving at the same rate for the first inch back, then once its past the 47" mark it acts normal. I thought I had lived everything up good and gave it a go. At the end of the plate it would cut a couple tabs out ok but then it acted up and wouldn't proform a proper cut. I checked for what I thought could be something hanging up or in the way or not in parallel anymore. For the life of me I can't find anything. It just seems that the motors loose sync. And yes the water needs to be changed!
Yup. GS 4x4 only has a cutting area of about 47" When you "stall" the steppers than it throws the WHOLE machine off as there is no feedback from the motors and placement like Servos. The controller is jsut telling the motors to GO and when there is a mechanical issue the software/controller do not know and keep going. So the issue of you getting close to the ends is the lead screw/backlash nuts getting bound up. So possible the up/down alignment of the gantry running on the ground rail is off a little so do this. Get 4 dimes and 4 pennies. move the gantry to the middle of the table and put a stack of dime and penny under each corner of the gantry on top of the ground rail. Adjust the up/down alignment to the coin stack. Then remove the coins and you should get full movement on the y
Here is a pic that describes what Chad is talking about. Also with the gantry disconnected from the drive screws, check that the drive screws are held in place that they cannot move back and forth (backlash), if so the large pulley may need to be adjusted, remove cover plate on the backside of the rail.
Yup my 4x4 wont cut a full 48" either 47" is all she will do so I guise its a not 4x4 machine. When it crashes you have to reset the Datum which means spending 20 minutes getting it back to the left corner at a slow as heck creep. AJ
I don't know about the new tables. But when you spend over $10,000 on a table that's a 4x4 and it don't cut a 4x4 sheet it sucks. This was a big investment for my small company. I love the tech support and you will need with this machine . Its top notch support.
If your the lifter station of the torch is flat to the Cassette on then gantry you will not have full travel, there is a 90 degree tool mounting bracket that allows the torch to rotate 90 degrees to the gantry that allows more travel.
No if you measure the center of the torch from the face of the gantry or cassette you will notice the distance is shorter when torch is mounted 90 degrees.