So through various cutting of galv. and rusted and or painted materials, common sense says to clean off the surface of the material for the pierce point...... however boss man "knows" that the table WILL sense through rust and anything else..... (i know itll cut just about anything but my issue is "top of material sensing") so when i show him what happens when you dont clean material, im doing something wrong. so i explain it as simply as i can and 3 demos later he finally understands what im talking about. now hes getting all bent out of shape about "wasting consumables" (using a flapper wheel to clean) now is there some other device or method for the height sensing that surface condition wont affect? on youtube "Delusional Designs" video he straight up blasts through a rusted plate with 0 issue. i know 100% if i were to attempt that id be resetting every time i tried to cut. ANY input or literature is greatly appreciated.
If you are planning to be cutting rusty surfaces then disable OHMIC and just use Z measurements instead. Here is the process to do that. VMD DATUM Jog the machine to where the material is at. press JOB SETUP On the top turn off OHMIC. Lower the Z down to "almost" touch the top of the material Press SET on TOP OF MATERIAL. Jog the head up about 1" or so. Set you PROGRAM ZERO Run. The head will no longer use OHMIC to detect and will just go off of the measurement you set in JOB SETUP. Make sure you are AUTO and SAMPLE VOLTAGE ON. easy...
right. but in doing all that will it still adjust height during the cut? and if the next pierce point is at a different elevation (like in cutting corrugated sheet) will it be able to do that? Or is "ohmic" strictly for top of material?
OHMIC and HEIGHT CONTROL are totally different. The ohmic is just used for material detection only. Obviously if you have varied material you would need OHMIC as the measurement process just wouldnt work as you are setting a static variable for the machine to use to see the material. The AVHC will profile varied material.
Can you explain how the material thickness setting works with the avhc? If the ohmic senses the top of material and all other settings are good ,pierce /cut height ect. How does material thickness setting work
The MATERIAL THICKNESS setting works with the IHS (always/optimize). It generates a radius around the pierce to determine when to sense the material vs. when not to. This radius is determined by the MATERIAL THICKNESS setting. This makes it nice when you want to speed up the cutting process and you are cutting thicker material which doesnt tend to warp as much.