I would like to get my hands on a way to add limit switches to my 4x4. I'm not looking t add them to each corner, but I would like a way to make a repeatable centering/locating/home point on my table. So basically a soft stop in the bottom left corner where you normally datum the table. I would like to be able to run the machine all the way to the corner and have the table stop automatically when it runs into the home location, AKA i am not looking for a "push the button and it homes itself" . If this isn't possible my fall back plan is to use two leaf switches and a buzzer(s) to get me close, just creep up on it with a slow jog until I hear it go off and repeat on the other axis. Any Ideas on a clean solution? Thanks!
You can get a few proximity switches that are two wire and generate some brackets for them. Pending on which system you are using you would just need to aquire the proper wiring harness for them. Once wired and operational pending on which software you are using can program it to HOME you machine.
I have the accumove 2 with the ver9 CAM and a 4x4 growth series table. How would it work with this system?