Breakaway Issues

Discussion in 'CNC Cutting' started by TheGarageBay, Feb 27, 2017.

  1. TheGarageBay

    TheGarageBay Active Member

    Jul 18, 2016
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    Hey guys i am trying to get my classic 4x8 table up and running and I'm catching some issues with my breakaway. I have always had an issue with the breakaway opening up on me , and i would usually have to hit the torch head to reset it. I designed my first project tonight and exported it into the software and half way through the cut the breakaway went off and now i cant reset it at all . I tried resetting the magnet, but nothing. All connections look good as far as i know. The machine had been running fine for the little time it was cutting. Anyone have any thoughts on this issue?

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  2. Dnmeistr-LECS

    Dnmeistr-LECS Well-Known Member

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Your breakaway will likely need to be adjusted, see attached. If you look between the breakaway the distance between the small magnet and the metal disk the torch is attached to needs to be between .004 and .010 thousands, in your case the magnet is likely touching the metal disk.

    Basically with the breakaway off of its mount, you will see the black mounting block with 4 allen screws, take these off, on the back side of the magnet are 3 small allen screws, these allow you to move the magnet in and out of its socket along with the center screw on the front face of the magnet. It sounds like you need to push the magnet deeper into its socket, you would loosen the 3 on the back side an even amount, maybe half a turn, and then snug the center one down on the front side.

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  3. LECS-Chad

    LECS-Chad Guest

    First thing is to "GO TO PROGRAM ZERO" This will allow you to tinker with the breakaway without worrying about losing your position with the job.
    You can also go under MACHINE SETTINGS and change the INPUT breakaway to USER to get through the job you have. This will disable the breakaway. Make sure you change it back after you fix it.

    Few things to look at.

    1. if you wiggle the head do the breakaway lights flicker?
    2. rust or corrosion on the triangle contacts? Get a brillo or steel wool and clean the area of dirt/grime/corrosion on both the balls and the triangle.
    3. when you jog the machine does the breakaway trip?

    If these things happen then possible that the triangle contacts are just out of alignment or that the center magnet is pushed out too far keeping the breakaway from making good contact. So take the back plate for the breakaway off and find the 6 screws holding onto the triangle contacts. Loosen then about a half turn each. Attach the breakaway and connect the wire and see if you get a change. Yes? then tighten back up and reassemble. Give the torch body a wiggle to verify that everything is good.

    If you are still having the issue I would contact Tech support 8665711066 ext4 and they can help diag the breakaway a little more JIC it is a cable or internal connection.
  4. TheGarageBay

    TheGarageBay Active Member

    Jul 18, 2016
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    thank you guys, looks like the magnet was in fact set too far out!
  5. TheGarageBay

    TheGarageBay Active Member

    Jul 18, 2016
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    Update... having even more issues . Magnet seems to may be stripped ? The bolt on the face of the holder seems to not tighten up. If you do , you'll get maybe one cut out of it then will nose dive into the material again. Machine is brand new , haven't even been able to use it enough to mess anything up . Anyone have any other ideas on this? It's killing me just looking at this not making any money for me.
  6. Dnmeistr-LECS

    Dnmeistr-LECS Well-Known Member

    Dec 22, 2015
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    You may have stripped the threads in the black nylon material, you can use a helicoil to repair the threads. The torch diving into the material has nothing to do with the breakaway, this would be due to incorrect height control settings. If you are cutting in Auto mode be sure that Sample Voltage is On as well. With this on you should see your Set Voltage value change after every pierce, meaning it is adjusting for voltage after it senses the material.
  7. DanGeorgian

    DanGeorgian Well-Known Member

    Jan 17, 2017
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    my torch head dives if i start getting codes for air related issues.... usually the compressor is plugged in or turned on or water sepertor needs draining.

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