Custom Rocket Shaker Design

Discussion in 'General Fabrication' started by GaryRocket, Oct 8, 2016.

  1. GaryRocket

    GaryRocket New Member

    Oct 8, 2016
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    Hi, This is my first post here but I have been using the site for fabrication help for a while. I am very amateur at this so please be patient with me.

    I am making a rocket shaker. I have made the legs and the nose cone but I would like to know how you would fabricate the body.

    I know there is probably some guy face palming to my next question but here it goes. Regarding the body (Excluding the nose and legs) in the attached picture, how do I go about having the stainless steel tube having a radius of 100mm at the top, then a radius of 110mm a third of the way down to having a radius of 90mm at the bottom.

    If it requires too expensive tooling then I don't mind paying to get this made but would like to know the process so I can explain this to a metal fabricator without looking like a complete ass. The material is stainless steel and I would obviously like it to be water tight :)



    Rocket mixer arrow.jpg
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 10, 2016
  2. Wagnaar Fab

    Wagnaar Fab Member

    Aug 13, 2016
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    I would think an english wheel and then a really good tig seem. What about finding a shaker close to the shape and then adding legs and rebuilding a nose cone?
  3. bigjoe

    bigjoe Well-Known Member

    Jul 21, 2016
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    hydroforming, 1 piece drawn thru successive dies. kinda like how they make pots? jmho

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