Hi guys. I have an older 2x4 growth series table. A shop mate yanked my cable that goes to the gantry stepper motor. this pulled all of the wires out of the 6 pin connector. Can anyone please tell me what motor wire colors match up to the cable wires that go to the control box? motor has 4 wires- brown, white, green, blue from signal generator there are 5 wires- red, light green, lightt grey, black, thick clear wire I can easily repin the connector if i just knew what wires are supposed to match up. Thank you,
Thanks for replying Chad. The motors are not the same on my table. the 2 on the main 2x4 rails are bigger units with a little guy on the gantry. here is the motor, and harness connector anyone know if CHIAN is up in wyoming?
Find the motor phase pairs by measuring the impedence between all 4 phase wires. Low impedence between 2 wires is one motor phase and the other 2 are the other phase. One phase pair connects to pins 1&3 and the other 4&6. This will run, only issue is the direction may be inverted. This can be corrected through configuration or swapping 2 wires. I will caution if you don't understand this then don't try it as you may cross phase the motor which will blow the stepper output FET.
thank you for the reply. That should get me in the right direction. Are those pins callouts, 1&3, 2&4, the same for my old [non acumove] control box?
It's 4&6. From memory pin 2 is the drain. I think the old control will be the same as its common practice to wire them with a spare and drain separator. Be careful though because you will damage the drive card if you get it wrong. If you have a good working axis use the DVM readings from that as reference. Good luck.